Being a simple cord worn around the neck to carry identification cards, lanyards have offered convenience to us for a long time now. These products have been around for as long as we remember, but what we don't know is – lanyards have revolutionized over the past few years. Lanyards have become extremely common these days – and Giftwrap has made sure to provide you with the best personalized lanyards in the market. With our diversified range of jelly bean lanyards, we provide you with the best and the most engaging option to keep your identification cards and similar cards always close to you. These lanyards can also pose as one of the best items for an engaging marketing strategy and an incentive to attract all those potential customers at a corporate event. Made with the best material in the market, we also provide decals for almost all of our jelly bean lanyards – to make them even better when you receive them. So, if you're looking for the best lanyards in the market, Giftwrap is your one-stop shop!