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Shoe lights

It is always nice to have flashy shoes. Flashy shoes naturally stand out when we are in a crowd. One way you can make your shoes stand out is by using a black safety flashing LED shoe clip that is available at Giftwrap. This is a black safety flashing LED shoe clip that you can add to your shoe and make sure that its lights stand out. Ideal for every day shoes, this shoe light will ensure that once you add it on your shoes, your shoes become brighter and stand out from the rest of the crowd. The shoe light is available in black but black is the ideal color for such lights. Overall, this shoe light is an ideal choice for someone who needs an affordable solution to make their shoes shine bright. Affordable and compact, you can easily place these on your shoes and not be disappointed with the results. Please browse through the items below. If you are interested click the "Request Quotation" link next to each item. A customer service consultant will contact you with a quote. Price estimate excludes branding, VAT and volume discounts apply.