Looking for a nice speaker or two? Look no further because Giftwrap has two amazing ones to offer. Available at Giftwrap are swiss cougar cubic blast computer speaker and the Bluetooth speaker. The former is a solid sound speaker that can produce surround sound and can be used as a portable speaker. It comes with a navatis power bank so you can be sure that the speaker will automatically have a loud voice and one that you can use for day to day purposes. The other is the Bluetooth speaker. A Bluetooth speaker is a speaker that can be used remotely. It comes with a 3.5mm audio jack that can be used as a folding speaker. Moreover, you can even extend the speaker for some nice sound. Overall, the speakers are great for your day to day purposes and even other advanced purposes because for starters, they are portable so you can easily take them with you wherever you like. Moreover, the speakers can blast some loud music for you to enjoy so you can not only take them with you wherever you like but you can also listen to some of your favorite tunes peacefully.